Principal Message
                       Principal Message
          Acadmic profile

My team of esteemed faculty of this outstanding institution today surrounds me. I am greatly honored to be the Principal of the Charak Institute of Pharmacy, Mandleshwar. As a founder Principal my unstinting goal is to build the legacy of this institute as a great and pioneer Pharmacy institute that focuses equally on both mind and soul. We will continue to rise well above the norms through an outstanding faculty, focused first and foremost on students. Charak Institute of Pharmacy will strive to prepare students to be century's well-rounded leaders in the field of Pharmacy. We will continue to make this institute aspecial key to doorways of great opportunities.
For students, Charak Institute of Pharmacy, Mandleshwar will provides means to access rich curricula by professional faculty members in a wide range of Pharmaceutical Sciences. It means access to hands on laboratories
The ultimate goal is to introduce the best pharmacy education for the students so as to prepare them to actively contribute to maintaining the region as national leader in pharmacy education.

I wish you a very good and happy time at Charak Institute of Pharmacy
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